
Nicaraguan Maragogype


Bean Strength =

This coffee comes from the region around Matagalpa in central Nicaragua.

Good Nicaraguan coffees are considered a “classic cup”: great body, clean flavour and balance. They are unique among Centrals in the fact that the highest grown (SHG grade: Strictly High Grown) do not develop the pronounced and sharp acidity of other Centrals.

Maragogype is a mutant variety from the Bourbon coffee plant, which was first found in Brazil. This plant has huge leaves, large cherries and huge long shaped beans with a double cut centre. It is also known as the “Elephant Bean” due to its large size. Our award-winning Elephant Bean Blend features this coffee. The bean size does not impact the cup quality, but the argument for Maragogype is that the tree produces fewer cherries and flavour is more concentrated.

The yield from the true Maragogype is very low, about 5-10 bags per hectare. Due to this, farmers have been subsidising their crop with higher yielding varieties of coffee trees. The large size of the Maragogype also requires a separate processing line. Many of the farms and mills that handle Marogogypes are old and have high maintenance costs. Hence over the years, the Marogogype processing lines have been removed and this, along with the low crop yield, has assisted in the decreased production.

However, the Maragogype does seem to be making a comeback and the regions of Matagalpa and Jinotega are making progress, as is the region of Nueva Segovia.

Read what our customers say:

“I’ve been buying my coffee beans from Witham`s for well over a year now and have not found or tasted a better cup of coffee than what their beans can produce. My favourite choice of bean would have to be Nicaragua Maragogype, it’s really smooth to drink, it’s got some sweetness and just a medium acidity. It’ll  taste like your drinking a cup of awesomeness every morning. Also they only roast fresh(the way it should be). I highly recommend them.” Donny Barone, Bass Hill