
Colombian Medellin Excelso


Bean Strength =

Pure, clean and balanced with silky mouthfeel and distinctive caramel sweetness.

  • Among the best coffees in the world, rich, full-bodied & perfectly balanced
  • Grown in ideal conditions at high altitudes in well-drained, rich volcanic soil
  • From the Medellin region in the central part of Colombia
  • Excelso is the grade of the bean (smaller than the Supremo)
  • Perfect for espresso, its rich full flavour easily cutting through milk
  • Used as a base for rich, caramelly sweet blends.

Read what our customers say:

“A simple pleasure is never simple… take coffee. To make the perfect cup, Lance Witham has schooled us in the daily management of the production variables and it takes time and practice to master. But it’s the roasted bean over which only Withams has control. This is a good thing. Lance has a real and deep passion for his craft. A visit to the Withams Roastery will confirm that to produce the perfect roasted bean, every time, the Master Roaster must also control a whole range of variables – not simple! Lance’s passion can be tasted in our favourite Colombian Medellin Excelso and Colombian Decaf – lovely, sweet caramel style with a soft, lingering aftertaste. Thanks Lance, you are a rare treasure – a man possessed of his passion.”

Phil & Rosemary Henderson,

“I have been using Witham’s since I bought my first coffee machine in 2002. After a few years of using standard blends I was looking for something different so I approached Lance Witham for some expert advice. We settled on a 50/50 mix of Columbia and Costa Rica beans.
This blend gives a beautifully smooth coffee with a wonderfully rich crème, a hint of caramel and chocolate and a balanced finish. Strong enough to satisfy my preference yet smooth and sweet enough for my wife. This is the blend we use as a yardstick when comparing any other coffee blends and is the blend my wife and I drink on a day-to-day basis. The fact that I am still using Witham’s Coffee on a daily basis is a testament to the consistently high standard that their beans are roasted to. That standard never varies.”  

Gordon, NSW

Grind Type

Aeropress, Whole Bean, Domestic Espresso, Plunger, Drip Filter, Stove-top Espresso, Turkish


250g, 500g, 1kg

Bean Strength